7 Tips for Outdoor Running Safety

Fall weather in Ottawa is the perfect for running outdoors! Running outside is a great way to burn calories, boost your confidence, and boost your overall health. However, if you aren’t prepared for a run, you could face risks such as leg injuries, fall hazards, adverse weather, and dangerous traffic patterns.

Here are seven safety tips to keep in mind before you run outdoors:

  1. Wear running shoes that offer adequate support to help avoid severe injuries.
  2. Determine your baseline fitness level before you run so you don’t overexert yourself. You can do this by timing how long it take you to run one kilometre on a flat path, then create a running program based on this time and your future fitness goals.
  3. Plan out a route before you run to make sure it’s in a safe, well-lit area. You can do this by driving or biking along the route, preferably with a friend or family member.
  4. Always look at the weather forecast before you run to make sure you won’t encounter an unexpected storm or low visibility.
  5. Stretch before you run, and slow down to take a break or drink water whenever necessary.
  6. Always stay aware of your surroundings. It may be tempting to listen to music using earbuds or headphones, but this can make it harder to hear what’s around you, including dangerous vehicle traffic.
  7. Consider running in a group. Not only is it safer, but it can help motivate you to run more regularly.

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